Compulsory Education: Good Or Bad?

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Compulsory Education: Good or Bad? The compulsory education system has been consistently changing to meet the needs of society and citizens. While some people are enjoying the free compulsory education, others argue that compulsory education costs tax payer money and right of people who does not want to attend school. In today’s world, education is the key to empowerment for everyone. Most jobs in today's society require one to have a high school diploma. If one does not have a job he or she really cannot be effective in today's society. Compulsory education is important to the success of individual and the nations. The compulsory attendance act in 1852 enacted by the state of Massachusetts was the first general law attempting to control the education for children. The law included mandatory attendance for children between the ages of eight and fourteen for at least three months out of each year, of these twelve weeks at least six had to be consecutive. By 1918, compulsory education became mandatory in all states. Due to the compulsory education laws, our nation overall has higher average education level globally; thus raises the living standard overall; and it helps to reduce child labor. Compulsory education offers chance of education to families who are not able to afford the tuitions for schooling. Despite the differences in standards among schools in different regions, parents are grateful that their children can attend school free of charge. In most public schools, they offer the opportunities to set children for success with either higher education goals or career choices. These opportunities are life turning points for some people. In most case, achieving higher education creates better live styles. When people have the adequate education, they would be more confident to seek for challenges and opportunities outside of their birth places.
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