Components of work system design

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1. Describe the major components of work system design. Job Design: This is the structure of the job and the different tasks needed to complete the job requirements. Where will the job be worked on, who will be doing the work (skills, education), what value is added by doing this job? Work measurement: covers several different ways of finding out how long a job or part of a job should take to complete. It can be defined as the systematic determination, through the use of various techniques, of the amount of effective physical and mental work in terms of work units in a specified task. The work units usually are given in minutes or hours. There are many different ways to figure out how long a particular job should take. A method analysis is the study of how a job is done. A time study may be used to see the average amount of time is needed to do the job over a period of time. Work sampling is using am estimated time that the worker will need to do the job. Worker compensation: This is the amount of monetary compensation a company provides its employees. It can be the salary they pay the employee, bonuses, vacation time, insurance available, and/or an expense account. A company can use piece rate to determine an employee’s wages. They can also use profit and gain sharing to promote and reward their employees. 3. Describe the objectives of job design. A manager need to decide what type of position they are filling, what is the purpose of the job (what will the employee value-add to the position) and what kind of training, education or experience is needed to do the position. 4. Explain why it is hard to design jobs in a business setting. A company needs to follow the laws on hiring for the position; they need to make sure that the position adds value to the service or product they are providing. An employer needs to make sure the job is

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