Competitive Adavantages of Lean Supply to the Manufacturing Industry

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Competitive Advantages of Lean Supply Strategy to the Manufacturing Industry Lean essentially refers to the elimination of waste and non-value adding activities. It originated as part of Toyota Production Systems. It is based on reducing cost by eliminating activities that do not directly add value. Cost can be reduced by identifying and taking out the activities that are non- value adding or by improving on the efficiency of a required activity so that the output from the process is increased. The manufacturing industry today has moved from vertically organized structures to horizontal organizations; that is no single company that controls its products from raw materials to store shelf. Companies today controls only some part of the supply chain and the chain has become enmeshed with production processes so much so that the line separating manufacturing from supply chain logistics is not so clear anymore. The modern manufacturing function is heavily controlled by the supply function, and the primary goal of lean supply chain management is to take-out waste in materials, manpower and processes and to create more value for the customer. This will improve the company’s competitiveness as well as improve the company’s overall profitability. The lean principles are based on banishing waste in networks as a way of creating wealth for an organisation, essentially stretching operations management principles of efficiency beyond the boundary of the firm, focusing on the value for ultimate consumers, defining as a starting point, what was required from the system supplying them (Harland, Lamming & Cousins, 1999). If a lean approach to manufacturing is to succeed, the entire organization has to focus on removing waste and adding value. Everyone involved would be required to look beyond the boundaries of the company to developing relationships with customers and suppliers

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