Competency for Medical Scientist

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Suggested training tasks and examples of evidence of competence for standard 2B.1 • Write up an experiment or analysis that you have undertaken which demonstrates your ability to report and interpret data. Refer to the G6PD report attached. • Describe what do you understand by the term ‘evidence based practice’? Evidence Based Practice refers to the use of the current and up to date expertise and evidence from a reliable research by clinicians, biomedical scientists and all pathology staff in making clinical and diagnostic decisions about the treatment, monitoring and screening of patients. This means the clinical doctors must provide accurate clinical note with a specific requested test for their patients in order to give a clear picture of what technique or method should the biomedical scientist employ to investigate and diagnose the condition correctly with the test of high sensitivity and specificity. The biomedical scientist must use the current and up to date information which they gain through continuo professional development (CPD) in investigating any abnormalities and diseases hence they provide a high quality care to the patients. • Give an example of evidence based practice in the discipline(s) in which you have been trained. An example of evidence base practice in microbiology laboratory is investigating of the causes of diarrhoea both in outpatients who developed diarrhoea in the community and inpatients who develop diarrhoea after three days in the hospital. I.e. In Community acquired diarrhoea patients or travellers who travel overseas to countries with poor sanitary hygiene who developed diarrhoea are screened for salmonella, shigella, C. diff toxin and campylobacter whereas nosocomial related diarrhoea can be investigated by performing a C. diff toxin test only. Patients with persistence

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