Comparitive Study V for Vendetta - Authors Purpose

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INTRO The basis for all dystopian texts is the instability, anxiety and fears that occur within the respective times of their authors. The sole purpose of these texts is to act and serve as a medium for authors to communicate and represent their comments and ideals on these fears and anxieties to their audiences. Authors who are able to express and organise certain techniques within their texts, ensure that their messages are received clearly and without ambiguity. George Orwell’s novel 1984 and James mcteigue’s film V for Vendetta both strongly and effectively communicate their messages to their audiences with clarity. Between both authors it is debatable whether which of these authors has more effectively relayed their messages ORWELL * Both composers represent the immense fears and anxieties of their respective times within their texts through a variety of ways, * Orwell uses a diverse and signature range of language techniques, and symbols to represent his vital message of warning to the audience of the dangers of totalitarian governments/ regimes and the perversion within communist and fascist parties. * Orwell’s lucid writing style is his most powerful tool in revealing his messages to the audience, his employment of striking and vivid language and his organisation of powerful adjectives, verbs and adverbs is what enable him to draw in the audience and present the brutal and oppressed world of Oceania. His clearly expressed and arranged writing style ensures that there is no ambiguity in the reception of his message. This lucid writing style can be seen through the quote “nothing was your own except the few cubic metres inside your skull. * Orwell constantly uses the technique of allusions throughout the novel to comment and communicate his ideals as well, he uses the technique to ensure that the audience follow his own point of view and
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