Comparison with the Taino and Mayan Civilizations

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| | | | promotes tradition in a time when there is a lack in interest in high quality craftsmanship. Due to the high tourist demand, and desire for lower prices, there has been a change in the way most textiles are created in Mexico by the mayans. Instead of the dedicated time consuming work of traditional weaving and intricate embroidery, more and more of the handicrafts for sale were made by small factories which produce high quantity, while neglecting quality. * Sample artwork in cloth from around Mexico * Mayan weaving- history, symbolic design and techniquesThere are still high quality textiles that are created by indigenous communities living and working with their traditional customs. In this way, they preserve their ideology and age old way of life and craftsmanship. Make sure your supplier works with small family run workshops which have been weaving for generations.In order to adapt to the modern world, these artisans have developed functional dress and articles employing traditional methods, that are still admired as works of art. These practical works of art, such as organically dyed wool rugs from Oaxaca, tablecloths from Michoacan and Oaxaca, and cushions, bedding, and tapestries from Zinacantan are beautiful and functional.Along with these crafts, these indigenous people continue to produce huipiles. These traditional Mayan embroidered dresses, skirts, belts and daily clothing are still worn today and have been part of their heredity and worn for thousands of years. Through generations, each community has developed their own huipiles design which sets them apart. Intricate embroidery is an integral part of this type of textile, and where you can tell if it was created by a true master.Textiles created by wooden and string looms and wood are found all over Mexico. Some of the finest textiles originate in the Mexican states

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