Comparison Short Stories

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The Rink and Turtle Island Thesis: George from “The Rink and Mini Tupac from “Turtle Island” struggle to achieve belonging in a new environment conflicted by the clash of values and detest on their own heritage. CI#1: George from “The Rink” and mini-Tupac from “Turtle Island” encounter clash of values within their family. Pont 1: Both George and Mini Tupac become embroiled with one of their family members due to their different approach. Prf A: in “The Rink” George gets criticized by his wife when he tries hard to learn skating but fails. His wife laughs at him by saying “George, you are different, man. We are different. We’ve came from a hot, hot climate. We weren’t born with it in our veins as I have done told you before” “George does not want to be like other immigrants in Canada. He wants to integrate fully in the foreign ways like the native Canadians.” Brief comment: Ida is completely opposite of what George prefers. He prefers to integrate to Canada’s life style fully to prove himself as perfect as the native Canadians whereas Ida wants to be a traditional islander and wants to maintain their own culture without confronting to foreign ways. Due to his different approach clashes occur between them and he tries to struggle to be a part of the new Canadian society and it’s culture. Prf B: Mini-Tupac in “Turtle Island” is dominated by his aunt Wanda, due to his behaviour. When she wanted to take Mini-Tupac to the rez to his mom he says, “[He is] old enough to look after himself” and she tells [him] no 11 year old is old enough for the streets and he’d better mind his tone because she is elder and Indians are supposed to respect their elder” Brief comment: the quote shows that how Mini-Tupac views himself old and independent enough to travel alone whereas his aunt restricts him from going onto the streets because according to him he is still not old
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