Comparison Political Science France and Belgium

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Political Science Assignment Alexandre Bello UIBS 2014 – 2015 Introduction In this assignment, I will talk about political science and what affect it had on my life. This is why I will mostly talk about France and Belgium, because these are the countries where I lived and where I was raised. I will also talk about the main political factors and major political events that affected and influenced me. I will also compare the political system in France with the one in Belgium. This means I will also discuss the pros and cons of the government and political systems of France and Belgium and their main differences. First of all I will start with explaining the politics in France and in Belgium and discuss their differences. After I will discuss the major issues in each country that influenced me in my life. French Politics Government Type France is a republic or to be more specific it is the fifth republic. The French republic is a semi-presidential system where the president is head of state and the Prime minister is head of government. The Executive Branch The president is elected for a 5-year term and can be elected for a maximum of 2 terms. The President appoints a Prime Minister who forms the government. Normally the Prime Minister and President work together to choose the ministers and to form a government. This doesn’t happen if the President and the Prime Minister are from 2 different political parties then the president must agree or disagree with the decisions of the Prime Minister. Today the socialist party rules the republic of France. The Legislative Branch The French parliament is made up of two houses or chambers. The lower and principal house of parliament is the National Assembly and the second chamber is the Senate. Judicial branch There are four levels of courts in the Judicial Branch. First you have the district courts
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