The arrival of Röhm was an important development as he had access to the army political fund and was able to transfer some of the money into the GWP. The German Worker's Party used some of this money to advertise their meetings. Adolf Hitler was often the main speaker and it was during this period that he developed the techniques that made him into such a persuasive orator. Hitler's reputation as an orator grew and it soon became clear that he was the main reason why people were joining the party. This gave Hitler tremendous power within the organization as they knew they could not afford to lose him.
Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were both powerful, ambitious leaders that worked their way into positions of power. Stalin took over after Lenin died to lead the USSR after the Russian Revolution. Hitler became leader of the Nazi Party and gained the people’s support with promises of a strong leader that resisted western powers. On their rise to power, both Stalin and Hitler became leaders of political parties, eliminated opposing parties, and promised a better future for the people and country, but Stalin used the people’s support as leverage in his power struggle with Trotsky while Hitler used his passion and the economic situation in Germany to become leader of the Nazi party and gain support over the socialists. Both Hitler and Stalin started their journey towards power by joining political parties.
Anyone that he didn’t want alive, didn’t have much of a chance to survive. He used his influence to start World War II and influenced the Germans to fight for their country. Other ways that Hitler influenced the German citizens included making many appearances in front of large crowds by using military music. He had “elaborate ceremonies and dramatic speeches to demonstrate the glory of Germany and of his own leadership” (“Hitler, Adolf”). It is generally accepted that once someone is famous or popular, they can become influential and so it
It may be good to have power based on arms but it is better and more joyful to win and to keep the hearts of the people.” Throughout Triumph of the Will, adoration and approval for Hitler is clearly shown on the faces of those in the crowd. The documentary itself is propaganda because it portrays Hitler and the Nazi party as the good guys rather than exposing the evil and corruption within their regime. Nazism’s ideal of the power and purification of the race is predominately shown in The Triumph of the Will. Of the thousands of German citizens shown throughout the film, none are of Jewish decent. In the film, a Nazi leader states that “A people which does not hold with the purity of its race will perish”.
Finally, the SA’s activity is also to put fear on the street to get votes for the next elections. Hitler attempted the Munich Putsch because he thought it would benefit them. Firstly, Hitler was very confident about his huge SA army and thought he was powerful. Not only that, but he thought that the army would join him because of the influence of Ludendorff and the SA which are technically ex-Freikoprs. Hitler also thought that since the government was just developing it would have been a good time to seize power and take over the government.
His powerful speech was influential and enabled the German public to feel more optimistic within the war as well as regime. Another reason why the Nazis proclaimed to total war was because Hitler was keen on establishing Germany as a strong nation. The defeats
In many ways, Stalin transformed himself to replicate Lenin by adopting his ideas and goals, although the way in which he met these goals are highly controversial by historians. Stalin was quickly acknowledged as a murderous dictator while he used a tactic of systematic killing of political opponents and innocent civilians on a massive scale. The objectives that Stalin was able to accomplish during his political career were truly outstanding and beneficial, however; the way in which he met these goals was truly unethical. Joseph Stalin was an
Some people admired this quality of his but many thought he was too harsh. Stalin also received support from key individuals at that time such as the secret police. So if Stalin had any major problems he cold of got the secret police to aid him. Stalin had many personal qualities such as being very manipulative. As he was manipulative he could get people to do what he wanted and manipulate them what to do.
When Hitler and the Nazis achieved absolute power by early August 1934, their main goals were to Nazify the German people, improve the economy (with their National Socialistic ideals), and overall maintain absolute power within Germany, while pursuing their radical ideologies. These goals were to be achieved through Hitler’s domestic policies. In order to Nazify every single person, the Nazis infiltrated every aspect of society as many ways as possible. Propaganda was used to persuade people into accepting and/or following Nazi ideals, which would be achieved through all types of media. The radio was a particularly effective device due to the fact that it was already a big source of entertainment.
Trade unions posed a strong threat to the NSDAP due to their power in Germany, considering their support for the SPD and even KPD. With this Hitler