Comparison of Dracula with Popular Culture Texts

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Bram Stoker’s Dracula was released in England during the Victorian era. During this time very strict gender roles were observed, whereby the purpose of a woman was to love, honour and obey her husband and most importantly keep her body secret and pure. Therefore the idea of women having a sexual identity was seen as absurd and disgraceful. Good morning Mrs. Anderson and fellow classmates, my hypothesis for this oral will be “Dracula is a classic piece of literature that transcends its era of creation by incorporating the character of the vampire as a means of discussing the sexual, that still fascinates a contemporary audience and has experienced several resurgences into popular culture”. In order to discuss this Twilight will be compared with Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Stoker created the character of the vampire as a means of discussing sexual topics that were taboo during the Victorian era, and thus the vampire takes on the role of evil in the text. The predatory characteristics of the vampire are utilised by Stoker to represent sexual acts. For example, the method by which Dracula feeds emulates the physical aspects of sexual intercourse, in that, Dracula waits to be invited into the room of his victim, then pierces her body in a manor that causes her to bleed which further suggests the loss of purity or ‘defloration’ of a virgin. Furthermore, the blood that is consumed provides Dracula strength and youth “the Count looks younger – his hair is brown, instead of white, and his cheeks are fuller and have more color.” (p.60) Remarked Harker, therefore the consumption of blood is symbolic of the taking of purity and transformation from a repository of purity and innocence into an uncontrollably lascivious creature that inspires a wicked desire in men that destroys their ability to reason and thus undermines their power. Furthermore, Dracula is described by
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