Comparison and Contrast of Voice Calling to Text Messaging

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Philip J. Jones Professor: Paul Cady English Composition 1 26 May 2013 Comparison and Contrast of Voice Calling to Text Messaging Global cellular communications seems to have taken their place in history within today’s society. With subscriptions surpassing 3 billion worldwide, nearly half of all human beings own and use some type of cellular device (D. Reid, and Fraser, J. Reid,). With the invention and easy availability of the new smart phones, society is spending much of its time using the various functions of these phones, time previously reserved for hobbies and promoting family growth. The SMS function, or short message service, and the various email capabilities have all but replaced the use of voice calling. Texting has taken on a life of its own, dominating mobile messaging in both traffic volume and revenue. Inexpensive plans, featuring unlimited texts, assure that this trend will continue. Talking and texting, at first glance, appear to accomplish the same general task. That being said, both are an avenue for easy communication. The method chosen depends upon the goal of the user. When compared to voice calls there is a multitude of so-called benefits to SMS messaging. Voice calls are inherently more candid and genuine, and provide a higher degree of sincerity and intimacy. Texting has developed its own type of benefits and is considered a viable replacement for those benefits associated with voice calling, particularly to teenagers and young adults. Texts can be sent with a higher degree of privacy and are used when other forms of contact are not possible, not convenient, or not desired. Texting also now fills voids of downtime and free time and has become a major form of peer interaction. Cell phone and texting personalities are becoming commonplace and can vary greatly from the real life personality of the subscriber. It is becoming more

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