Comparing The Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Union And Confederacy

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Civil War Begins Strengths and Weaknesses of the Union and Confederacy [pic] In April 1861, Confederate forces attacked Union troops at Fort Sumter, marking the beginning of the Civil War. After the fall of Fort Sumter to the Confederates, eight slave states were still in the Union. As the war began, these states had to choose sides in the struggle. 1. Which slave states seceded after the fall of Fort Sumter? Which border states stayed in the Union? 2. Where are the four border states located in relation to the Union and Confederate states? Resources of the Union and Confederacy, 1861 |resources |Union |Confederacy…show more content…
|value of manufactured of goods | |92% | |8% | | |$1, 794, 417, 000 | |$155, 552, 000 | | |industrial establishments |119, 500 |85% |20, 600 |15%…show more content…
|workers in industry |1, 198, 000 |92% |111, 000 |8% | |population |22, 340, 000 |63% |9, 103, 000 |37% | | | | |(3,954,000 slaves) | | |troops |2, 000, 000 |71% |800, 000 |29% | |finances | | | | | | | | | | | |money in the bank |$ 190 million |81% |$45 million |19% | |bank assets |$ 345 million |82% |$75 million |18%

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