Comparing the Leadership Styles of Sir Richard Branson and Steve Jobs

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Comparing the Leadership Styles of Sir Richard Branson and Steve Jobs STEVEN TCHEA- 210687979 THOMAS SMITH-210665587 11 September 2010 Executive summary This report undertakes a comparative analysis of the management styles of two prominent leaders; Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group and Steve Jobs of Apple inc. Leaders are assessed in the context of past and contemporary management theories. Research for this report included a broad review of books, papers and web based articles on managemen. Findings indicate that while both Branson and Jobs can be modelled by a transformational leader dynamic, they differ considerably in their approach. It was found that in terms of Fiedler’s contingency model, Branson is considerably more focused on the fostering of relationships and relies heavily on referent power, contrasting with Jobs’ higher orientation toward goal-achievement and greater exercise of expert and coercive power. Branson’s willingness to delegate more responsibility than Jobs can be related back to differences in leader characteristics and also their respective situational structures. Furthermore Branson presents a kinder and more facilitative approach to employees than Jobs showing a higher consideration level in terms of the behaviour model of management. Conclusions infer that although Branson and Jobs do differ in the treatment of their staff and in some aspects of their leadership styles, they still are able to produce efficient and effective staff and therefore companies. Table of Contents Introduction …………………………………………………………...........4 Sir Richard Branson……………………………………………………….5-6 Steve Jobs…………………………………………………………................7-8 Critical Analysis………………………………………………………….....9-10
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