Compare the Ways People Are Presented in Night of the Scorpion with the Ways People Are Presented in One Other Poem of Your Choice from the Poems from Different Cultures

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The ways in which the peasants are presented in Night of the Scorpion are quite negative as in the poem, when they come to help, “The peasants came like swarms of flies”. This is the idea that because the poem is likely to be set in a hot country due to the scorpion’s preferred habitat, there will also be swarms of flies as big as a large room in a house. This then presents the reader with a picture of a swarm of peasants, like flies, coming to help when really; they’ll be getting in the way. This simile is followed by more negative description to do with flies when the poet says, “Buzzed the name of God a hundred times”. The onomatopoeic phrase adds to the imagery given in the first description of the peasants. It is also obvious that the person in the poem do not like these peasants as he doesn’t name them something more pleasant like civilians, but instead he calls them peasants as is they are the sort who work all day for not much money because they are desperate when really, they could have been any type of person. The scorpion in Night of the Scorpion is also negatively described even though it’s not really the scorpions fault. The way that the poet uses the word ‘Driven’ in line 3 where it says, “Driven him to crawl beneath a sack of rice”. This shows that the hours of rain that hadn’t stopped had forced the scorpion to hide underneath this sack of rice, and not of its own accord. Then, when the family had been in the same room as the scorpion, it must have felt intimidated by them and decided to retaliate before risking the rain again. However, the poet does not bring this across to the reader clearly because the scorpion is later named “the Evil One”. This is most likely describing the scorpion as the person in the poem thinks that the scorpion has done this out of free will. However, this could also be talking about the Devil because the peasants were

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