Compare Developments In Hungary An Poland In 1989

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Compare and contrast developments in Hungary and Poland in 1989 The incredible events in 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe, and specifically, in this case, in Hungary and Poland, set in motion developments that led both countries toward economic competition and political pluralism, two things which had been suppressed by the respective Soviet political parties. Both parties suffered under Soviet rule; however they both went dispatching of them in very different manners. In Poland, where voting was only partially competitive, the opposition party had to utilise every member and get a landslide victory in order to overthrow a party which should have had a majority. Hungary’s Soviet party on the other hand destroyed itself from within. By encouraging reform early on, it effectively divided, and ultimately split itself apart. By examining the conditions in each country before the respective elections, we can see how they effected how each state manage to remove Soviet rule. To compare and contrast the major developments happening in 1989 in Poland and Hungary, we first have to briefly examine the period that led up to the roundtable discussions, which led to both states leaving Soviet rule. A brief history shows the discontent that had been brewing in each country for quite some time, and from it we can distinguish the variables that led to the differences in the developments that came from the respective exits from Soviet rule. Soviet rule came to Hungary and Poland post second world war, from ‘above and abroad’, as it did with all of Eastern Europe (except perhaps Yugoslavia and Albania). This immediately made for an uneasy rule for Stalin and the Soviet party in these states. Poland especially was one of the Soviets most difficult and unhappy satellite states and though Stalinist rule was perhaps not the most extreme, as oppose to in Hungary, it was Stalinist
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