Compare Crucible, Red Fear, and Salem Witch Trials

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The Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible, and the Red Scare all relate in one major way; groups of people all accused for actions that most of them never did. During the Salem Witch Trials at least two hundred people, mainly women, were accused of practicing witchcraft (Salem). The court had no actual proof of witchcraft against them except, they were still sentenced to jail or execution. The Crucible takes place in the same time period of the Salem Witch Trials and very closely mirrors the trials with a few liberties taken by Arthur Miller to make the stage production work with the space of a stage, and make the plot more relatable. Written in the early 1950’s and published not long after that, many believe that Miller wanted to connect the Salem Witch Trials to what was happening with McCarthyism. The second Red Scare was “a campaign [lead] to make sure that there were no Communists in government or in any other positions of influence in the United States” that took place in the early 1950’s (Oakley). “[McCarthy] accused people of all occupations including, government workers, college professors, playwrights and Hollywood screenwriters, actors, artists, musicians, gays, Jews, and anyone with a goatee” of participating with the Soviet Union (Research). Miller’s The Crucible, the Salem Witch Trials, and McCarthyism show many more parallels than differences that connect the three. Many people relate McCarthyism to the Salem Witch Trials. This is what has lead many people to believe that The Crucible is Miller’s attempt at connecting the two. The second Red Scare, lead by Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, started the search for communists in the United States. McCarthy believed that people were trading secrets with the Soviet Union. This lead McCarthy to accuse many of being apart of the communist party. Left and right, names were being thrown out of “dangerous people” within

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