Compare + Contrast The Key Ideas Of Marx And Durkh

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Compare and contrast the key ideas of Marx and Durkheim. Introduction Changing from a feudal society (in which agriculture is the main form of production) to a society in which work tasks become more and more specialised, people are compelled to sell their labour to the owners of big factories in order to survive. People are forced to move into (the rural parts) of town, as that’s where the big factories and new invented machines are. These factories are owned by individuals and no longer state-owned and controlled. This essay will address the key ideas of Karl Marx and Émile Durkheim, two founding fathers in sociology. Their views on capitalism and the resulting advantages and disadvantages for society are compared and contrasted referring to their main ideas. Starting with Marx and his explanation of the working processes of capitalist society – followed by his criticism - paying particular attention to his ideas of class, alienation and exploitation. This is followed by Durkheim’s views on capitalist societies. His concepts of mechanical and organic societies, as well as his fascination with the division of labour and the connections to (social) solidarity and moral, are presented – followed by anomie. Finally, the key ideas of both, Marx and Durkheim, are compared directly. Marx Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) is concerned with the exact development of industrial capitalist society. For him, most social classes or structures in the past have either ended in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes. Therefore, part of his ideology is to minimise the division of labour to an extend which would make it possible to reduce certain negative impacts that industrial capitalism has on the individual. He appreciated the work of many other philosophers but also argues, that the purpose of his own work is

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