Compare & Contrast How Ray Bradbury and George Orwell Use Technology as a Symbol of Social Control in ‘Fahrenheit 451’ and ‘1984’.

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Compare & contrast how Ray Bradbury and George Orwell use technology as a symbol of social control in ‘Fahrenheit 451’ and ‘1984’. In both Bradbury’s ‘Fahrenheit 451’ and Orwell’s ‘1984’, the role that technology plays in the oppression and control of the people could be seen as a point of criticism of the new, modernised age that the authors were stepping into at the time of their publication. Through the use of highly descriptive language and metaphoric personification, both authors successfully present the rise of technology as a concept to be feared– prophesising the role that technology could have in deciding and controlling the way that we live in the future. The contrast of nature is used as a counter-balance to this advancement in technology in order to condemn the societies that the authors were part of for beginning to look solely towards the future and starting to forget the “beauty of the past” – much like the characters in Bradbury and Orwell’s ‘created’ worlds. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury presents technology as integrating so well into everyday life that the characters begin to rely on it. One example, the “electric-eyed snake” tool, is used on Mildred to revive her after she takes a pill overdose. In this scenario, Bradbury could be presenting his characters as openly accepting the new technology into their lives even though they have perfectly good solutions already. The negative image of this piece of technology is emphasised through both its name and description; the term ‘snake’ connoting a feeling of untrustworthiness, whilst it’s grim portrayal of “suck(ing) all of the poisons” out of Mildred’s body with an “occasional sound of inner suffocation” makes its use seem unnatural and undesirable – precisely what Bradbury seems to be persuading the reader to feel about the growing role of technology in his society. Bradbury’s inclusion of

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