Compare Contrast Han China and Rome

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Compare And Contrast Buddhism and Christianity During the fall of Rome and the end of the Han empire, Religion and philosophy were major factors in the further development of their societies, because they influenced politics and society. Throughout the Postclassical era Buddhism and Christianity were similar in the sense that they both used afterlife as a reason to convince people who performed righteous deeds to convert, and were both attractive to similar groups in society. They diverged in paths when it comes down to their political influences because; Buddhism had little political influence while Christianity had a major effect on politics after the fall of Rome. First of all Buddhism and Christianity were alike in a way that they both persuaded people to convert by offering them an afterlife for those who did good deeds. For example, Buddhist could reach a state called nirvana once they have followed the eight fold path and the other teaching of Buddha. The main reason why people followed these guidelines was because a happier life was guaranteed in the end as long as you remained a true believer. Society improved as the behavior of people increased. Similarly to this, Christianity offered a peaceful afterlife if you strongly believed in Jesus Christ while being devoted to the teachings of the clergy, bishops and pope. Like Buddhism, Christians had to adhere to a certain rules to be allowed a pleasant afterlife. They did this by giving tax to the church, obeying the word of the pope, and restating their belief of Jesus. After completing all the duties as a Christian, access to heaven was available which is the similar to the Buddhist’s nirvana. However even with the afterlife being attractive, they were both also appealing and fair for almost all groups. Buddhism and Christianity were also attractive to different group and social classes. First of all
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