Compare Contrast Foreshortened Chriest and Pieta

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Compare and Contrast Essay The painting “Foreshortened Christ” and the sculpture “Pieta” both talks about the same story. The massage its both trying to depict are also similar. But its different material and medium would give the viewer a totally different experience feeling. The artist of the sculpture “Pieta” is made by one of the most famous artist sculptor Michelangelo. It’s made around 1498 to 1500 and the style is Renaissance. The style is Renaissance is because the figure of the sculptor is more close to the man kinds and the anatomy structure is more close to the reality. The art is from Italy. It’s made from marble. The subject is from the passion of Christ and the cycles of the life of Christ. The “Foreshortened Christ” is painted by Andrea Mantegna. It’s made back to ca. 1500. And the style is also Renaissance. It is from Italy. The material and medium it’s used is tempera on canvas; which is very different than marble sculpture. But both arts have the same subject. It’s all talking about the death of Christ. The size of “Foreshortened Christ” is 2’2’’X 2’7’’. It’s medium affect a lot of it’s quality. Because the medium of tempera is especially good at depict the details of different figures. For example the tear on Marry’s face, the texture of the fabric or the wound from Christ. All help to present the sadness atmosphere in the painting. The painting is highly realistic. The human skeleton structure is been carefully measured. By looking closely enough, the viewer can even see the detail for each hear. For another art work “Pieta”. It’s about 5’8’’ high. I believe there is two reasons Michelangelo choose marble as the medium of this artwork. First, the material marble helps to present purity and sanctity of Marry. It’s also depicted the sadness of Christ death. The style of the sculpture is combined with idealistic and realistic. It is
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