Compare Annuals and Perennials

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Annuals and Perennials Jenesse Ferguson ENG. 121 English Composition 1 Stephanie Cook June 4, 2012 A combination of annuals and perennial flowers is an effective arrangement for any garden landscape. Annual flowers have only a short one year life cycle. Perennial flowers will return every year to produce new flowers and foliage. A mixture of perennials and annuals will provide color throughout the growing season. The idea of blending annuals and perennials together is simple garden design. Annuals and perennials bloom at different times. If a mixture of both annuals and perennials is planted with their bloom times in mind there will be color in the garden at all times and will look its best all season long. Annuals can be staggered instead of planted all in a row for a more natural effect. Try to plant in groups of threes’, fives’, and sevens’. The eye trails odd numbers of plants better than even numbered groupings. Perennials come back every year. Perennials are hardy and flower mostly during the warm months of spring and summer. Then they die back and retreat underground for the winter months. Often perennials will multiply in the garden and can be divided and transplanted to make more plants for the garden. Perennials can also save money since they do not need to be bought every year. Some perennials can grow quite large, so allow space for them when designing the garden. Annuals add splashes of color in the garden. Just throw a few sturdy plants into the garden and you will have color from spring to fall. Annuals complete their life cycle in just one season, and will die off at beginning of winter. Annuals usually have the most brilliantly colored flowers. Annuals do need some care though. Fertilizing the plants and removing the old blooms will ensure beautiful blooms all season long. (Heron S. Perennials are

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