Compare And Contrast Our Approach To Knowledge About The Past With Our Approach To Knowledge About The Future.

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I think we know the knowledge from the past, but we don’t know it for the future. Our knowledge of the past derives from perception, memory and inference. The past is malleable and can be shaped in many directions depending on how we look at it. But stories create order and balance. The narrator always reads history books, however, with the knowledge that the information in them has been shaped. Our knowledge of the future has in it no elements of memory or perception. So as one might therefore expect it is harder to come by knowledge of the future. We typically can know more about a past hour than about a future hour, though by no means all of the past hours, for example those in past centuries. If I know p, and p is a proposition about the future, I cannot know it by memory, special cases apart. (A special case would be that I come to know that I am going to Saudi Arabia next summer - a piece of knowledge about the future - by remembering that I am going to Saudi Arabia next summer. 'How do you know?' 'I just remembered it. The future is always going to be speculative, but we can make some educated guesses by looking at what has happened in the past, and try to spot patterns. Human society is complex, however, so both the past and the future remain obscure. Our approach to knowledge about the past is based on the presence of evidence. In another words, if you don’t have evidence there's nothing you can base your approach on, in which case, you won’t have an approach. The approach will be limited by the use of perception (sensing something) and by the use of reason (logic). Our approach to knowledge about the future doesn’t require any evidence since it still didn’t happen yet. We tend to use emotion (including intuition) and reason when approaching it. This means that this approach isn’t pending on any evidence, as in, the approach is more open than that of the

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