While both the Chinese and Roman empires conquered other lands, the Romans were more humane towards their conquered subjects. The Romans’ humane behavior towards conquered subjects led to more internal stability and also a lower chance of revolt. Han China conquered the regions of the Korean peninsula and of Vietnam; however, Han China enjoyed uncontested hegemony over these regions. Imperial Rome did not levy taxes on conquered subjects as opposed to Han China. Both empires allowed their citizens to contribute to the empire; however, they did so by different means.
China-v-India During the classical age, when nations were first able to develop individual, and unique cultures and traditions, the outcomes were shaped not only by political power, but also by the social atmospheres and customs created at the time. China and India had many of the same promising beginnings within their governing structures, and class relations. However, India progressed more in a cultural way, and China in a more politically based fashion. China and India continued to both have societal gaps, and central government success’ and failures, but the political and social divides kept them from paralleling religiously or economically. The regions had a lot in common socially from a wide perspective.
China was completely contrary from Central Africa on economic, political, and cultural bases during the 1500-1800. From 1000-1500 China led the world in economic development and there after experiencing the trauma of rule by the Yuan Dynasty, China adopted policies that favoured Chinese political and cultural tradition. On the other hand, the kingdoms of central Africa had initiated commercial relations with Portuguese merchants and diplomatic relations with Portuguese monarchy. Portuguese traded for slaves and slave trade undetermined the authority of the King. The Kings were converts of Christianity just to establish closer relations with Portuguese whereas Chinese has great problems with the exclusivity of Christianity but the Jesuits were respectful of Chinese culture and won a few converts.
These Chinese explorations were really helpful, but also really expensive because of the large timber ships that they built. The government put a policy shift against voyages, and put a greater focus on domestic matters. The Members of the Ming Court advocated a greater focus on domestic and continental matters, emphasizing agricultural production, internal stability, a military buildup and colonization at the edges of the Central Asian steppe, and refurbishment of the Great Wall, designed to repel invaders (DOC 3, 4). Even though China had earlier technological innovations than Europe did (DOC 2) Europe still succeeded because China was governed by ignorant
Although Han China and Imperial Rome both ruled over large and diverse territories, both had different ways of political control within their empires. The control varies in ways such as their views on society; China having a philosophy of Confucianism and Rome believing in a patron-client relationship. Rome and China differed in who had the right to govern the empires varying from having a single leader to numerous government officials. Both empires used their loyal citizens to their advantage creating the state of free labor. However, even with all the differences, both empires managed to keep their territories protected, organized, and civilized.
Some of them made people obedient to the political views of the leaders, others denoted or elevated individuals depending on their gender and social status, and some just remained neutral. The Chinese political and social structure was mainly (but not completely) affected by the government rulers (due to non-religious belief systems like Legalism and Confucianism), since they had greater influence on the government than the religions, while in India, vice versa, the religions shaped the social and political order more than the ruling class (due to the absence of non-religious practices). The Mandate of Heaven, the reason of the major changes in the Chinese society, gave the godly right of ruling to the Emperor, similar to the Pharaohs of Egypt, which were considered and treated like gods. Along the Silk Roads (the longest and the most used trade route which connected multiple empires together through trade), ideas similar to that were spread and shared among the cultures resulting in the outcome that is seen today as
I believe it is very significant to the country’s history because it shows the reader how much of a problem the US has had with immigration since the 1800’s! The fact that the Chinese were “unlike” the US citizens in some ways did NOT give the government the right to completely revoke all immigration from
Merchants in China were considered low prestige according to Confucian ideals because: a. They were not important to Chinese society b. Money making was not an honorable occupation and did not parallel Confucian ideals c. They were immoral d. They were a small percentage of Chinese population 20. Which of the following was a Confucian belief? a.
Rather than reducing social and economic inequality, China’s rapid economic growth magnifies the gap of benefits received by people in different socio-economic groups. As we will see, social and economic inequality are two sides of the same coin and is not solely the product of economic development. In addition to pure market forces, state policies play a significant role in contributing to the high levels of inequality China experiences nowadays. Despite the government’s concern towards inequality, recent interventions are not sufficiently targeted at the main causes of this issue which result in the continuing climb of China’s inequality figure. Nevertheless, contrary to conventional wisdom, the threat of inequality to China’s social and
It is a kind of dynamic and growing stability. Also, the economic stability is interacting with social and political stability. Additionally, if China is suffer from instable and chaos, there will be an excuse for the western countries to intervene China’s internal affairs. Both the political, social and economic factors can affect the order and stability. Politically, Chinese government recognized that the existing express channels for people are insufficient.