Compare And Contrast Federalist And Anti Federalists

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Ian Mondschein 11-20-13 Mr. Edwards Essay After the Constitution was brought to the states for ratification, two distinct groups formed, the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. These two groups discussed several issues about what they felt/wanted in the constitution before it was finalized. This included issues around the judicial branch, checks and balances, type of government needed, standing armies and the need of additional laws (known as the Bill Of Rights). The two groups thought they both knew what would eventually occur in the world and believed there changed to the constitution would be helpful in overcoming those optimistic issues. Since the enactment of the Constitution, based on new knowledge, I believe that the Federalist’s views/arguments have been proven historically correct. The Anti-Federalists believed that a Bill Of Rights was necessary in the Constitution. When the Constitution was revealed, they immediately thought that too much power was given to the government and that…show more content…
Federalist #51 makes it clear that the Federalists wanted checks and balances included in the Constitution. The Anti-Federalists attacked this idea of checks and balances because they believed that there was no genuine way to check any one branch. Also that checks and balances relied upon social divisions that were not available in the United States. On this issue, the Federalists won and checks and balances was issued. Since then, this principle has been proven effective. Today, no one branch is too powerful, this is evident with Obama Care. The veto power has been used to check the legislative branch which is a prime example of how checks can be valid. After the failure of the PA Constitution, Hamilton knew that he had to incorporate checks and balances so that each branch does what they are meant to do, which is the situation in present
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