Although Brutus initially was the approval of the Roman citizens Antony’s sarcastic speech made the Romans second guess if the assassination of Caesar was right. In the speech Mark Antony gave in Act 3 Scene 2 he was speaking about Caesar being ambitious and Brutus being an honorable man but keeps repeating it in a sarcastic tone. For instances Antony said “But Brutus says he is ambitious and Brutus is a honorable man”, then again Brutus said “Yet Brutus says he was ambitious and Brutus is an honorable man” because it’s repeated a couple throughout Antony’s speech. As well in Act 3 Scene 2 Brutus said “And for my sake, stay here with Antony Do grace to Caesar’s corpse, and grace his speech. Tending to Caesar’s glories, which Mark Antony By our permission is allowed to make.
The question everyone is asking is what Brutus does make him noble or an honorable stature. Brutus kills Julius because I believe he is persuaded by Cassius for Rome’s own good. In the play I believe Brutus’s character was very strong and his integrity. The fact that he basically could control the conspirators and over power Cassius definitely showed it. Brutus just wants to do the right thing for Rome, but I do believe when Cassius thinks killing Julius is the best thing for Rome Brutus was easily manipulated and deep down inside Brutus knows that.
He is not looking to persuade the crowd instead he is looking to tell the people why he did it. He speaks of his love for Rome and how Caesar was greedy and ambitious. Though, through his speech he is very repetitive and formal. In this he distances himself from the public. Also, in his high-minded approach he starts to talk in third person, explaining that he did this not against Caesar, but for Rome.
Later, however, when speaking a funeral oration over Caesar’s body, he spectacularly persuades the audience to withdraw its support of Brutus and instead condemn him as a traitor. With tears on his cheeks and Caesar’s will in his hand, Antony engages
After Caesar is killed, Antony becomes very mournful and outrage by the treachery of the conspirators that killed Caesar. Antony asks for just to a speech at Caesars funeral and Brutus grants him that one wish. Antony is a very intelligent man and he has the ability to manipulate a crowd with his speeches. For example in Act 3 During Antony speech he says But Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honourable man. He hath brought many captives home to Rome whose ransoms did the general coffers fill: Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
Julius Caesar: Brutus' Moral Ambiguity Shakepeare's intruiging play Julius Caesar tells a tale of a honorable man who puts his personal interests aside and pulls off a devastating move in order to protect Rome. When Caesar returns to Rome after killing General Pompey, he is given a hero's welcome but his crowning as king becomes a major conflict all throughtout the city and strikes fear in the hearts of many people. Marcus Brutus, a dear friend of Caesar is revealed as a morally ambiguous protagonist of the play as he is pressured into defending his highest values and becomes involved in plotting the assasination. Although Brutus' actions may seem questionable and ultimately lead to Caesar's death, his decision is made with good intentions that can be seen through his patriotism for Rome, idealistic views of the world, and moral obligations. Marcus Brutus was in fact one of the conspirators that murdered Caesar.
One idea in hisspeech stands out more than all the others. “If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar’s, to him I say that Brutus’ love to Caesar was no less than his. If then that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: not that I loved Caesar less, but that I lovedRome more.” (III, ii, 19-24) Again, Brutus speaks of his love for Rome, and those of Rome.Brutus has the same love for Caesar as Antony did, but Brutus cared more for Caesar thenAntony ever could. In may be that killing Caesar was not pure, but Brutus’ intentions were as pure as possible. He believed he was doing the right thing and that makes Brutus more honorablethen any of the other men who conspired against
Rhetorical devices in Brutus speech In Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar Brutus, after killing Caesar, tells the citizen his reason of killing Caesar in his funeral oration. In this funeral oration he uses the use of the rhetorical devices which are: Logos (the use of logical appeal in rhetoric), pathos(use of an emotional appeal in rhetoric), and ethos (the use of based on guiding principles in a society or religion in rhetoric). The uses of logos, pathos and ethos are use each differently in effectiveness. The effectiveness of this rhetorical devices is important because it makes the speech either logical, emotional or credible The effectiveness of Logos in Brutus' oration is shown when he said “had you rather you Caesar living, and
Brutus is an honerable man.... the words chosen by Mark Anthony in William Shakespeare's popular play "Julius Caesar." Anthony starts the speech off speaking how Brutus just explained how Caesar was an ambitious man which is why he was murdered. Anthony argues with that stating how Caesar gave to the needy when they needed, "When the poor has cried, Caesar has wept." Following this statement he mocks Brutus saying, "But Caesar was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man." After that was all stated he reminded the people how Carsar did turn down the kings crown multiple times, "I thrice presented him a kinlgy crown, Which he did thrice refuse."
He calls the Romans his friends and speaks with a sense of honor (15-17) and patriotism (23-24). He explains that Caesar has been slain for the welfare of Rome. He says clearly that his reason for killing Caesar was the leader’s excessive ambition. Then, he begins to appeal to each citizen individually, getting to the point where he practically insults anyone who doesn’t agree with him (30-35), calling them low, uncivilized and vile. So far, Brutus’ speech is very direct and precise.