Compare And Contrast A Cold War And Communism Essay

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Cold War and Communism Living under the threat of a nuclear war, would be quite disturbing. Knowing that at any time you might hear that siren or see that bright flash would be something that could haunt you as a child and as a parent, especially when it being such a possibility that you are even taught about it at school and how to be prepared for it. I believe it would be traumatizing, but the same way we have adjusted to the threat of terrorism occurring now, I’m sure at that time we could have easily adjusted to being ready and prepared for a nuclear war as well. The threat of a nuclear war is very similar to our current threat of terrorism. Up until today we are still being taught in elementary school to take cover by going under your desk and covering the back of your neck just like “Duck and Cover” in the case that we were to ever hear the fire alarm go off, which could either be caused by a normal fire or any sort of attack. The threat of a nuclear war is also similar to the threat of terrorism in the way that something disastrous could unknowingly occur at any moment and for that matter we need to always be ready. For example, have resources such as canned foods and a safe place in case of an attack. In both cases it is also very important to simply be aware of your…show more content…
Back when the “Duck and Cover” film came out the government was limited to what they could do to prevent a nuclear war. They were limited on what systems they had that would help notify when a nuclear war was about to take place. Now technology is so advanced that we would be aware of things like that and are a lot more conscious of any upcoming attacks. I’m not saying it’s impossible for terrorism to happen, but I am saying that we have a lot of highly updated technology that helps us feel safer in case of any terrorism attacks that were to occur, unlike decades

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