The Day They Set Out Response Brandon Moreira In the short story “The Day They Set Out” by Beverly Harris, the protagonist, Jean is stuck in a life in which she does the same predictable routine. This makes her feel empty inside, and that she needs to try something new. The causes for her emptiness and difficulties are that, because of her lack of social skills, she has almost no friends. Her husband, Ross does not love her anymore, so he looks at other women to satisfy himself. Also, her lack of intelligence has left her with no job and an inability to get a job.
She began to shut herself from her husband and most importantly, her son. The mother-son relationship has clearly died off. The lack of communication between Beth and Conrad affected Conrad in many ways. Beth’s cold attitude towards Conrad leads to his anger and how he wants to be left alone from everyone, including his father. Beth shuts out Cal from showing her real emotions on her favorite son’s accidental death, and lack of communication with Conrad brings the Jarrett family into an interpersonally distant family.
After the whole night of thinking, he felt regret and wanted to apologise to the family. However, when he went back to the house, he heard that the family decide to leave the house because they think that the monster will threatened their father’s life. In nowadays, there are examples about the regretful of people who isolated themselves. There’s a girl, she don’t like meeting with people, so she always stayed at her house, her parents use a lot of strength to ask her to go out and meet the others. However, the girl just ignored them.
When someone finds themselves in an isolated and unfulfilling reality they may make immoral choices which may devastate their relationships. When someone is isolated without a loved one they will do just about anything to feel safe and in some ways this could lead to something that in the end may cause deep regret. In the painted door this is what happened to Ann when her husband left to help his father. A neighbour came over to keep her company but in the isolation and thought of her husband Ann made some decision that in the end left her without John. In the freezing isolation of prairie farm land women may panic when they are by themselves and do something that they would have never done when the reality was good.
Starkfield’s winters are capable of trapping its citizens because of their ability to emotionally burden individuals to the point that they lose their dreams in their struggle to survive. If Starkfield’s winters were more mild, Ethan might have had enough determination to leave Starkfield. Similarly, Ethan asks Zeena to stay, for he does not want to spend another winter in silence and isolation. Despite that, Ethan regrets marrying Zeena, and wonders what would have happened instead if his mother had died in spring. When he saw her preparing to go away, he was seized with an unreasoning dread of being left alone on the farm; and … he had asked her to
What you do will only bring shame to your parents and to you. A mother love will only go so far. Once u burn you bridge it is hard to get it back. A Mother love will be there but it is only so much she can take. The holidays and birthdays they felt lonely cause they was not with family and friends, instead the white tell them what they can and cannot do.
She also decided to give more precedence to career rather than her family which in turn created a huge gap between herself and her family. As she became obsessed with her work, she began to overlook her family. In this way, the ambition for the top, the allotment of more time for work all contributed in weakening Kate’s family relationships. In the novel, Crow Lake it was also revealed how loneliness can bring two teens together through the relationship between Matt Morrison and Marie Pye. As Mary’s brother Laurie ran way from home after the clash with their father Calvin Pye, their mother got sick.
Waiting and waiting was all that she got accomplished that day, aside from the painting of the door, due to the intense worriment she has been accompanied with. Silence became her dear friend as she resented the actions of her husband towards his father. Along with the chilling atmosphere that the cold breeze had brought inside, Ann began to examine every part of her life that she was not impressed with. The burst of emotions was only egged on by results that the storm had caused. Internally, she began to feel sorry for herself, but really had no idea what she would be missing.
“Robert looked at his mother’s face. Her mouth was set. She stood apart-refusing to be touched or supported,” (18). While Mrs. Ross is trying to save others, she is losing herself in the process. Society dictates Mrs. Ross’ life.
He believed that we all reach a crisis within each of the life stages. Erikson may have believed that Maria is coming to the end of the Young Adulthood stage in life, a stage which he considered ‘Relationships’ to be the important event in this stage. Maria is a single parent, and Erikson may see this as failure in relationships, which results in isolation and loneliness. Maria is affected by work and home life, causing her behaviour towards colleagues and her children to be sharp and snappy most of the time. This is because she is mentally and physically exhausted and drained where she never gives herself a break.