Comparative Analysis of Marx’s Ideas and Shakespeare’s

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2011 International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics IPEDR vol.26 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore Comparative Analysis of Marx’s ideas and Shakespeare’s Mahboubeh Fahimkalam+ 1, Mahdi Momtahan2, Mehdi reza Kamali baniani3 and Mohammad reza Mohseni4 University Azad Islamic Arak branch, Iran (French Language and Literature Dept University Azad Islamic Jiroft branch, Iran (Arab Language and Literature Dept 3 University Azad Islamic Arak branch, Iran (Post graduate (Phd) of Literature 4 University Azad Islamic Arak branch, Iran (French Language and Literature Dept 2 1 Abstract: Marxist thinking about culture underlies much research and teaching in university departments of Literature and played a crucial role in the development of recent theoretical work. Feminism, New Historicism, cultural materialism ,Postcolonial theory, and queer theory all draw upon ideas about cultural production that can be traced to Marx, and significantly each also has a special relation with Renaissance literary studies. Despite this, Marx's main ideas are seldom properly explained in works about Shakespeare and in some quarters it is even claimed that they have Lost their relevance. This book aims to explain the past and present influence of Marxism for Shakespearians, and to suggest ways in which it can play a role in the future of politically engaged literary and dramatic criticism and cultural analysis. Key words: Marx's, Shakespeare, theories. 1. Introduction Concern for oppressed people was one of Marx's enduring legacies to twentieth-century thinking about politics and literature. For Marx, capitalism was doomed to a finite lifespan because of its inherent limitations, not merely because it was unfair. Attempts to improve upon Marx's model of base and superstructure have not entirely removed the objection that the model, howsoever nuanced, is
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