Community Learning Center Grant Project Essay

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21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Project MIRACLE PLUS 2: Highlands, Lake Trafford, Immokalee Community Charter Elementary Schools SUMMATIVE EVALUATION 2011-2012 Table of Contents OVERVIEW AND HISTORY …………………………………………………………..……………2 STUDENT ATTENDANCE AND ENROLLMENT .................................................................................. 2 TABLE 1: STUDENT ENROLLMENT: TOTAL VERSUS R E G U L A R P A R T I C I P A N T S ......... 3 T A B L E 2 : A V E R A G E D A I L Y S T U D E N T A T T E N D A N C E ...................................................... 3 T A B L E 3 : S T U D E N T D E M O G R A P H I C S : A L L P A R T I C I P A N T S ............................................ 3 T A B L E 4 : S T U D E N…show more content…
The majority of the families in the area have limited education, limited job skills, and limited economic resources. Immokalee is remotely located approximately 40 miles inland from coastal city of Naples. After school program opportunities are limited in Immokalee and Miracle Plus 2 (MP2) serves to fill the gap at three elementary schools: Lake Trafford, Highlands and Immokalee Community School. The Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board (SFWDB) has been the key partner to the Collier County School District in providing academically focused after school programs in Immokalee for more than seven years. SFWDB began its after school work at 5 sites in Immokalee and has expanded to serving all 8 schools (including the charter, middle and high schools serving Immokalee students) and more than doubling the number of students participating. From the inception, MP2 has and continues to serve students in grades 3-6 who are academically underperforming and have associated at-risk characteristics. Today, the program incorporates a broad range of instructional strategies to synergistically provide direct instruction and disguised learning opportunities that include a generous amount of hands-on activities. Curriculum and instruction are closely aligned to the day school and based on the Next Generation Sunshine State Standard and/or the Core Standards. Decisions including those of…show more content…
FCAT and report grades are detailed below in the Academic Tables. The narrative uses rounded percentages and the tables reflect percentages reported to the hundredths. Report card grades show comparison between the first quarter and the 4th quarter. In the case of students that did not attend the entire year, but did attend 30 days or more, report card grades are the comparison between the first and last report cards applicable for those students. Students that maintained A’s are counted as increased. The overall FCAT Math results for students attending 30 days or more in Miracle Plus 2, showed that 22% of students increased, 48% remained the same and 30% decreased. This is a slight impreovment over the 2010-2011 school year. FCAT-Math Classification Remained the Same Increased Decreased Total # of Students in Program (Not Class.) 369 369 369 Student in Classification 176 81 112 Student % in Classification 47.70% 21.95% 30.35%

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