Surely, something that glorified must be worth it in the end, but when comparing it to a community college, it does not add up. The cost is more than double at a four-year college as opposed to community college. In the first two years, one will be taking many classes that are required of both schools, but easily transferrable from one to the other. Not to mention the egos behind the systems that runs these schools. The professors at four-year colleges consider themselves as high as they can get in their career.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? A State-run Teacher Training College, unlike its private counterparts, is funded by the state. Nearly 90 percent of their funding comes from the state. Since the creation of state-run colleges and private colleges, there has always been a doubt inside students’ minds to whether they should attend to a private one because their courses are known to be “easier” or if they should attend a state-run college because people believe they “learn more” and they will be better professionals. The main purpose of this essay is to cite the advantages and disadvantages of State-run Teacher Training Colleges.
Vinnie DiRenno 11/9/11 Prof. Zaluda Argument Essay The question of whether or not community colleges benefit the individual and its society people have to choose. I believe that community colleges do indeed benefit both of these topics. Community colleges give those high school students an education so that they don’t have to leave home or if there not set on what their career path is yet or if they just want to be a part time student for some time. It also helps those who aren’t well off financially afford a place where they can get a higher education. Community colleges provide a good environment for students and the people around it.
People have to think long and hard about what college would give them the best education for their money instead of just where it is located. Becoming a graduate student is very important to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree. Going to school to obtain a
Community college is much less expensive than a university and isn't much different. One can start majoring in something in a community college and then transfer your credits to a university. Many people choose a university because they think that community college is only for those who can’t get into a university, but that is not true. Costs of tuition can vary anywhere from $2,000 all the way up to $100,000 per year for college in general. Community college is certainly the way to go when one is having money problems.
Two-year colleges give those of lower income levels the opportunity to a lower cost education. I feel Perlstein is incorrect, and even as the income difference between rich and poor stays unbalanced, a two-year college can give an education opportunity to those who wish to learn, but cannot afford a four-year university. A graduate of a four-year university may have trouble finding a job after graduation, and also be in debt without an income. Whereas, a graduate of a two-year college may have an easier time finding employment and then having the means to save money to attend a four-year university without having to take out loans. I fully believe that only those who have attended college can truly talk about their experiences.
Why it’s important to get a college degree and my learning styles Personal essay There are many reasons for a person to want to get a college degree and different ways for a person to accomplish that depending on how you learn. Many people find it hard to complete college online because of their learning style same as to go into a class room with students. There are different learning styles and reasons for getting a degree. In this essay I will tell you my learning styles how I learn and why it’s important for me to complete college and get a degree. A college degree can get you far in life although many that are far didn’t even complete high school not everyone has the same luck.
This transition from high school to college has become a blessing and a burden. Anxiety and stress will be a difficult task to manage. Solutions that will surely help accomplish these goals will be to study, socialize, and a well-developed plan. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. I do not expect to be perfect, but drawing out my strength and motivation from previous learning experiences will help
What's Worth It In The End People often declare that attending a university will provide a higher education, as opposed to a community college. However, the truth of the matter is, most community colleges offer similar accreditation to four-year schools. Community colleges are not only known for the amazing tuition prices, but for the fact that one can transition into a university after a couple of years if he/she wanted to earn a higher degree such as bachelor's or master's. A community college benefits students in terms of saving money, explore different different options, and keeps students focused with smaller classes. Although many people want to experience living on campus at a big name university, community colleges provide better
College Student Journal says, “College student success and graduation are important to students seeking a degree and to the nation's communities, yet only just better than half of the students who enroll in 4-year colleges and universities will receive a bachelor's degree within 6 years (Sparkman, Maulding & Roberts, 2012).” In any new career journey it could be intimidating at first. Because doing something new and unfamiliar can quickly change your mind about whether you will stick with it or not, it is important to have a clear reason as to why going back to college is the next step, goals that will keep your end result in mind, and a positive attitude about the new adventure. Proving to oneself that they can achieve something that once seemed so far can give you the courage to go after other challenges that may have seemed impossible or