Communism and Liberalism

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Nationalism and its advocates’ aggression towards countries that opposed their ideology were root causes of World War I. Liberalism and Communism are political theories that struck a chord with early 20th century society due to their focus on the masses instead of political leaders. Liberalism is defined as a “philosophy that advocates the freedom of all individuals through nonviolent political, social, or economic institutions that will assure development for society in an unrestricted form that guarantees individuals rights as well as civil liberties” (Webster). Communism is discussed in “The Communist Manifesto of 1848” by Karl Marx; some would also describe this theory as Socialism. Communism is a social system that believes that all property belongs to the community at large so that no individual has an advantage over anyone else. These political structures try to form a Utopian society that benefits not only the government, but also the citizens as individuals as well as a community. Lord Acton states that Liberalism is a “political philosophy that considers individual liberty and equality to be the most important political goals”. In a Liberalist society, the freedom of speech and thought as well as the limitations on the powers of the government are key points indicating how that society runs. In the document found in our history book, John Stuart Mill argues the sovereignty of the individual in the liberal state; an individual has a liberal prospective on their economic, social and political views unless it directly interferes with these same freedoms of another individual. In the 19th century, the three main objectives of a liberal society were the establishment and protection of individual rights, the right to vote, and free trade. In the last presidential election an increase of African-American voters as well as young demographics at the polls was

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