Communications - Verbal and Non Verbal

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Communication – Verbal and Non-Verbal The Communication is activity of sharing informations or sending messages between two or more individuals. The activity require a sender that convey a message and send it to the receiver, who will receive the message and understand. There are two ways of communication which are: • Verbal, through languages, words and sounds. • Non-Verbal, through body language, gestures, posture, facial expressions, eyes contact, touch, writing and media as pictures and videos. In Travel and Tourism Industry Communication is really important because for example of a Verbal communication is a Tour Operator speaking to a customer, selling a product, or an example of Non-Verbal communication is a poster advertising an holiday or a ticket. The verbal communication includes: • Face-to-face communication, which is the most used when shopping, getting a bus, working in a team and greeting friends and family • Telephone communication, which have the disadvantages that the callers can’t see each other and read each other body language to make the communication easier and give the opportunity to use brochures, leaflets and othe materials to help giving useful information to the customer There also are other two manners to communicate which are • Formal communication, in which there are rules of language and the use of strong words, is most used in workplace between employers and employees or between two strangers • Informal communication, where there aren't rules of language, in fact mostly used with famiy and friends. A type of non verbal communication is also the personal presentation which is an important element for the first impression, that reveals to the customer how you feel about your employment, your job satisfation and the success of the company that is employing you. Personal presentation also mean the way you are dressed and
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