Communications in Health and Social Care

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Anthony schorah Unit 4222-201 1.1Give at least 3 different reasons why people communicate? • Build relationships • Maintaining relationships • Gain and share information 1.2Explain how effective communication affects the way you work? Effective communication is the foundation of everything you do in your work and affects every aspect of your work and who you work with, including colleagues, service users and their families. 1.3Explain what barriers to communication are and list them? • There are typically 7 barriers to effective communication • The first is physical barriers. Each person needs his or her own space • The second is perceptual barriers, or how we each see the situation • Third, emotional barriers include fear, mistrust and suspicion • Fourth, are cultural barriers • Fifth are language barriers • Six are gender barriers 3.4What sources of information, support or services are available to you and the individual to enable more effective communication to take place? There is the NRCPD (National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deaf blind People). This includes sign language interpreters, lip speakers, deaf-blind communicators and note takers. The register can be accessed on There are condition specific organizations, such as the Alzheimer’s Society ( and the Stroke Association ( that can help with expert advice on communication with people with specific issues related to their conditions. Specialist organizations exist for most conditions and can provide much useful advice and information. 4.1What is meant by the term confidentiality? Confidentiality means not sharing information about individuals without their knowledge and agreement and ensuring that written and electronic information cannot be
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