Communication Plan During a Disaster

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Communication Plan during a Disaster Bernadette Anselmo Chavez HCS350 June 24, 2014 Professor Ricki-Beth Horowitz BSN, M.A., JD Communication Plan during a Disaster World Health Organization (WHO) defines disaster as a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disaster can be divided into two types: Natural disaster and Man-made or technological disaster. Natural disasters are naturally occurring physical phenomena caused by either rapid or slow onset events. The 2010 Haiti earthquake with a catastrophic magnitude of 7.0 is an example of man-made disaster that caused structural collapses, arsons and air disasters. Due to the complex nature of disaster preparedness, hospitals need to monitor and update their emergency operations on an ongoing basis to maintain a constant state of preparedness to ensure appropriate response and recovery within the shortest possible time frame. Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital, where I work, holds an annual emergency preparedness class to all employees. During our emergency preparedness class, the coordinator in our hospital showed us how to use the “medsled” rescue sled, specifically on how to use with baby on board since I work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Practicing on preparing for emergency and how to communicate with the staff during a drill will help staff to be more prepare for the real one. In hospitals, the communication dynamics during disasters may differ because of several reasons. First, communication problems occur during disasters because hospital and management system that work well on a day to day basis cannot meet the additional needs of the disaster. It will be hard for the hospital to function
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