Commentary on Sylvia Plath Prose

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In this prose from Slyvia Plath’s autobiography Plath feels she has no control over her life. Plath outlines many reasons as to why she is so unhappy. She feels as though her lilfe is out of her control. On the surface, Plath lives an extremly glamorous lifestyle, she has fancy dresses, she works for a fashion magazine and she attends the top parties. Yet underneath all the glamour, Plath lives a very superficial and fake lifestyle, and she feels there is more to life than writing for a fashion magazine, or attending the elitest parties. Plath uses themes, literary techniques and emotion to convey to the reader her unhappiness with the life she leads. Throughout this prose two of the major themes are death and helplessness. Death being symbolic of change, gives us as readers some insight into what Sylvia Plath is feeling. Helplesness shows us how Plath is struggiling to fit into her lifestyle. The theme Helplessness is conveyed as Plath feels as though her life is out of her control, “I just bump from my hotel to work and to parties and from parties to my hotel and back to work like a numb trolley-bus.” This similie contrasts with when Plath stated ‘Steering New York like her own private car’-having your own car is a measure of sucess; it shows how sucessful and prosperous someone is. However Plath compares herself as being a ‘numb trolley-bus’. A trolley-bus, which is a lot like a tram, has one route layed out for it, and it must continue to travel this route until it breaks down. This reference to the trolley bus shows that Plath feels as though she has no freedom whatsoever, and she doesnt have control over her life, as her life is already layed out for, she will just continue to do the same pointless and superficial things everyday. Plath introduces the theme of death, when she introduces the Rosenberg’s. “It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they
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