Comment on the Influence of Gender in This Text

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There are many ways in which gender is represented in this transcript, including lexis, semantics, pragmatics, audience, purpose and context. The audience is one way in which gender is established. The conversation is between a male and a female and it is therefore easy to see the influences gender has on spoken language. As well as gender, age plays a big part. They are both young adults, 19 years old and therefore share the same culture and youth sociolect, which will affect the way they speak. For example, Linda frequently uses the words 'like' and 'so yeah' in conversation. These words aren't considered to be standard English and are stereotypically associated with youth sociolect, also known as peppers language. Another way in which gender is represented is through the context. The transcript is a conversation between two work mates, Linda and Ed. This makes us question their relationship, are the more than just work mates? There is evidence that the pair have an established relationship. For example in the middle of the conversation, Linda says 'you know, um, Claire, Lindsay's sister', suggesting that they also have a social relationship and possibly have a mutual group of friends. This is also backed up by the use of names such as 'Dave, Claire and Lindsay'. Ed obviously know who Linda is referring to and therefore must mean their relationship stretches beyond the world of work. Linda and Ed also have a shared understanding, as they both know who the Stereophonics are, which is probably as a result of their age and culture. You could also argue that they don't have a shared understanding, because Linda had no idea about jacking points or how to deal with the problem with her car. This draws attention to the fact that vehicles and mechanicals are a topic that males are concerned with. This stereotypical view is that men are the gender that know most about

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