Comedy Is a Tragedy That Has Been Interrupted

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‘Comedy is a tragedy that has been interrupted.’ Discuss. To examine this statement we must first define what comedy and tragedy plays are. Some definitions of comedy are, a play which has a light and entertaining character, plays which create amusement and entertainment for ordinary, everyday people and plays which have happy endings, usually ending in marriage and beginning stormy. The general story running throughout the play is about the rise of a character, or characters, that undergo some kind of difficulty and then triumph in the end. Tragedy then is the opposite of this. Tragedies tell of the downfall of a character, usually with Shakespeare this person was someone of high status such as a King or someone with power, and they begin on a happy note and end, frequently, in death. Tragedies were thought better suited for the upper classes because they were thought to need intelligence to understand them as they were more serious plays. The two comedy plays I shall look at in detail for this essay are A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Merchant of Venice. I shall refer continually to the statement that comedy is a tragedy interrupted and discuss this with reference to the two plays. A Midsummer Night’s Dream at first glance seems to have all the characteristics of a romantic comedy. There is the separation and reunion of lovers, transformation of characters, the magical setting of the forest and the happy union of marriage at the end. Northrop Frye notes that there are often two heroines in Shakespeare’s comedies and this is also true in this play as we have Helena and Hermia. The play opens on a typical comedy theme of marriage being refused by a parent. Hermia’s father does not consent to her marrying Lysander and this is the difficulty that the lovers face and must overcome in the end, which they do by firstly running away to the forest.
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