The Hamilton Centers web site explains, It is important for anyone with PTSD to be treated by a mental health care provider who is experienced with PTSD. Some people with PTSD need to try different treatments to find what works for their symptoms. Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of the main treatments for people with PTSD are psychotherapy (“talk” therapy) and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, exposure [and virtual exposure] therapy, as well as medications that help ease the symptoms of depression and anxiety and help promote sleep. Scientists are attempting to determine which treatments work best for which type of trauma (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
Running Head: Theory Critique Hart Theory Critique: Archibald Hart The Anxiety Cure Jennifer Hooker Liberty University COUN 507 Diane Powel 12/09/12 Summary of Content Dr. Archibald Hart’s book The Anxiety Cure is often presented as a self-help book. Dr. Hart introduces a guideline that would assist a person in determining the causes and prevention of anxiety and ways to cope with it. Dr. Hart wants to raise awareness on the growing effects of anxiety is now one of the major emotional disorders at this time (Hart, 1999). Stress can often be unpredictable and difficult to avoid, however it can end up leading to depression or an anxiety disorder, which could negatively affect the progress of living a healthy life. Dr. Hart provides examples of different techniques that can be utilized when coping with anxiety without having to rely on the use of medication.
“Given the importance of anger and related emotions such as anxiety and depression in the recovery of substance-dependent patients, we expect that patients in residential treatment for substance dependence could benefit from FT.” (Lin, Mack, Enright, Krahn, and Baskin, 2004) Forgiveness is the main feature to emotional recovery when dealing with chemical dependency. Many participants were reluctant to forgive or respond to treatment in the beginning of this therapy. However, participants showed substantial changes from FT, than from traditional therapy at posttest and follow-up. “Despite steady improvements in depression in the alternative treatment condition, these participants continued to exhibit clinically depressed patterns at both posttest and follow-up.” (Lin, Mack, Enright, Krahn, and Baskin, 2004) In conclusion, Forgiveness Therapy is centered on the client’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
PTSD and depression are related psychological conditions. PTSD is a syndrome that develops after a person witnesses, participates, or hears of an extreme traumatic stressor. The reaction to this experience is typically fear and helplessness and ultimately depression as seen in this patient: reliving the events over and over and trying to avoid being reminded of it (Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter, & Thomas, 2011). Furthermore, psychosocial and environmental stressors are also known risk factors for depression (National Institute of Mental Health, 2012). Research has shown that stress in the form of loss, especially death of close family members or friends , can trigger depression in vulnerable individuals.
In the novel The Kite Runner Amir and Sohrab suffer from Post traumatic stress disorder. Post traumatic stress disorder is a severe anxiety disorder. It is mental health problem that can occur after someone goes through a life threatining experience or traumatic event that involved injury or death. Post traumatic stress disorder can occur at any age. It is impossible to predict who will develop post traumatic stress disorder in response to trauma, for there are certain risk factors that increase vulnerability.
CBT is founded on the premise that identifiable errors in information processing and thinking are common amongst depressed people, to the point that they believe these mistaken notions to be a reality. (Barrett, 2010) Hypnosis is an ideal method for eliciting and replacing these notions with healthier, more positive thoughts. While in a trance, clients are more cognitively open to accepting new ways of addressing their depressive patterns. (Dowd, 2012) CBT integrated with hypnosis is commonly referred to as cognitive hypnotherapy. (Alladin,
The U.S.’s Department of Veterans Affairs website states that the symptoms “can be terrifying. They may disrupt your life and make it hard to continue with your daily activities. It may be hard just to get through the day.” Among the causes listed are how intense the trauma was and how long it lasted, if you lost someone you were close to, and how much help and support you got after the event. The site even lists some of the common problems that vets might face, including drinking/drug problems, feelings of hopelessness, employment problems, and relationship
In the acute phase patients will experience psychotic episodes and have no perception of reality. In the stabilization phase a patient’s psychotic episodes are managed but they can relapse at any time. In the last and final stage, maintenance phase, the patient is stable but they have to take antipsychotic medicine in order to control their symptoms. The behavioral changes that the schizophrenic experiences can be categorized as positive or negative. Positive symptoms are hallucinations, delusions, hearing voices, thought insertion and thought removal, and somatic hallucinations.
Nevertheless other effective, helpful medications for managing PTSD include mood stabilizers, such as Lamictal, Gabitril or Depakote, as well as mood stabilizers that are antipsychotics like Resperidone, Syprexa or Seroquel. These medicines are most effective for those who suffer from agitation, dissociation, hypervilgilance, paranoia, or brief psychotic reactions. Conclusion I. In conclusion, we have discussed today, Post-traumatic stress disorder can be a very demanding illness not only to the one who suffers, but also the loved ones who help those affected cope with the
This can lead to a variety of other stressful mental and behavioural problems. With borderline personality disorder, we may have a severely distorted self-image and feel worthless and fundamentally flawed. anger, impulsiveness and frequent mood swings may push others away, even though we may desire to have loving and lasting relationships. Most psychiatrists and other mental health professionals use the DSM to diagnose mental illnesses. Because some