Color Psychology and Its Effect on Human Behavior

275 Words2 Pages
This paper represents the color psychology and its effects on the human behaviors. Generally rainbows have the seven colors short, VIBGYOR. But even though each color have different psychology they are indirectly affecting on the human behaviours. Color psychology are culturally constructed linkages that vary with time, place and culture. In fact, one color may perform very different symbolic or psychological functions in the same place, which are briefly explained in this topic. Color symbolism is an arts and anthropology refers to the use of color as a symbol throughout culture. Color psychology refers to investigating the effect of colors on human behavior and feeling, distinct from Phototheraphy the use of ultraviolet light to treat conditions like psoriasis or infantile jaundice. Color symbolism is a contentious area of study which is dependent upon a large body of anecdotal evidence, but not supported by data from well-designed scientific studies. Color symbolism and color psychology are culturally constructed linkages that vary with time, place and culture. In fact, one color may perform very different symbolic or psychological functions in the same place. For example red is often used in North America to indicate stop, as with a stop sign, or danger, as with a warning light. At the same time, red symbolizes love, as with Valentine's Day. A person not familiar with the cultural coding of red in North America could, theoretically, confuse the symbolism of red and mistake a red Valentine's Day heart for a warning. Cross-cultural diversity is found in the symbolism of white, which historically has signified purity, virginity or death. In Western traditions it is the color worn at
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