Colonists And Government's Tensions Before The American Revolution

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Tensions even before the American Revolution between the colonists and government were taking place because of the incline on taxes. Colonists were furious because they had no one to represent them in Parliament to vote on these taxes. Before the government started to take over these taxes, colonists were use to levying their own, but the government wanted to feel in control and in doing so, angered the colonists. The Stamp Act, in 1765, was what set off the colonists at first. They used paper for everything and had suddenly become in debt. This affected them gravely. Then, to arouse the government in 1770, they made a mob and threw ice and rocks at some nearby British Soldiers. In return, the soldiers, opened fire at them and five…show more content…
In return, the Parliament passed another series of acts called the Coercive Acts. Most colonists called them the Intolerable Acts because they didn’t believe they deserved them. It limited the political and geographical freedom of the colonists until they could pay for the damage to the tea they had thrown overboard. When all of this died down a bit, a group of colonial delegates met to discuss the problems with the rulers in Britain in 1774. They called themselves the Continental Congress. While in the middle of their meetings and discussions, another fight had already begun. A group of local colonists clashed with British Soldiers marking the first shots in the Revolutionary War. The second group of colonial delegates joined with Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. They voted to form a Continental Army, with George Washington as its commander in chief. On June 17, the first major battle occurred. Throughout the fall and winter, the battle raged on. Washington’s army struggled to keep the British army in Boston. The British left the city after they took artillery from Fort Ticonderoga, surprising the colonists. They retreated to Canada and planned the major attack on New
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