Colombian Exchange Essay

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The Colombian Exchange Essay Honors U.S. History The Colombian exchange, which started in 1492 and went on for centuries after, is when Spain sent Christopher Columbus to find a quicker trade route with Asia, which then led him to accidentally landing in the New world, also known as the Americas. Once he had landed, a new route of trade was discovered which impacted the lives of millions through every aspect of their culture as well as their everyday lives for centuries to come. The American Indians greeted the strangers with gifts and other items, but later the American Indians were surprised in the way that the strangers treated them back. Columbus and his men eventually decided that they would gain power over the Indians by gaining control over their population and culture. Later, Columbus traded native food from the Americas such as: corn, potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, tobacco, beans, vanilla, and chocolate with the old world for wheat, sugar, rice, coffee, horses, cows, and pigs. The horses traded through the Colombian exchange benefited the Indians by making it easier to hunt buffalo, which also impacted the coming of cowboys by initiating war between them. Many American Indians were killed by the cowboys because of the desire for buffalo, though many American Indians also eventually decided to move elsewhere. However, many Indians as well as Americans also died from diseases brought to the new world such as: smallpox, measles, bubonic plague, influenza, typhus, diphtheria, and scarlet fever. Over the years the old world ended up impacting the new world both positively as well as negatively. Europe had been greatly pleased with the items that they were receiving for trade from the Americas. One item that significantly impacted the Europeans was the potato. When Europe’s population started growing rapidly the potato became a staple food in
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