Collonalism in India

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| Nineteenth Century Colonialism in India | | Nineteenth century colonialism was motivated by a number of factors including a nation's desire for economic prosperity as well as recognition as a world power, and the aftermath can still be felt today. One example of this nineteenth century colonialism is Britain's colonization of India. Reasons for Colonialism: Many motivations pushed Europeans towards colonizing foreign lands. Primarily, nations established colonies to gain economic profits. In the early 1800's, the Industrial Revolution was beginning in such places as Great Britain, and new markets and raw materials were needed to uphold the new industries. Nations depended on their colonies for raw materials to be used in their factories so that they could produce a growing number of manufactured goods. They then hoped to sell the manufactured goods to their colonies, which served as new markets. In addition to a desire for economic profit, nationalism also served as a reason for colonization. After the French Revolution, European nations had a strong sense of national pride, and felt that in order to prove themselves as a strong world power, they would need to gain control of other countries. Europeans used the ideas of the "White Man's Burden" to help justify their colonization of foreign lands. The White Man's Burden was the idea that as supreme beings, it was the job of the white people to spread their superior ways of living to the inferior people of other places. As stated by Englishmen Cecil Rhodes, "I contend that we Britons are the first race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race. I believe it is my duty to God, my Queen, and my country..." In keeping with the ideas of white supremacy, Europeans also colonized to spread their religion to nations that they felt were inferior. Britain's Colonization of
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