The first reason is because a lot of people want a job that will pay very good money. By going to college, you will have the hands-on learning education you need to start your chosen career. This is a huge reason why a lot of careers require you to have at least a two or four year degree. Another reason why college matters is because it helps students boost their confidence level out in the real world. There are countless things that people have to do every single day in life so going college will help give you a better idea of what the definition of life really is.
For a school to be the best place to mould good behavior and emotions, it needs to have consistent rules and consequences in case an individual breaks them. There should be avenues to solve various types of conflicts and close connection between the school and culture. Intense supervision should give students a sense of belonging and allow students to fully and confidently participate in the schools affairs.
For example, the most effective method would be, to respect the students and their feelings before they can respect you. Dr. Michaels stated that, “You will gain respect by knowing the emotional, physical, and psychological place of your students. “Show that you care.” This all leads back to students wanting to know that their teacher not only cares about their education but them as an individual. As an after school instructor, I have dealt with many cases where a students didn’t feel like they had to show me respect right off the bat. Which is something that I can understand, because children don’t really comprehend the importance of respect or manners, its something that has to be taught to them.
Students whose grades meet standards and above has shown that they are more discipline to concentrate on their academics and be a part of a team. They have the ability to organize their lifestyle to allow time for studying and not allow the pressures of the sport to overpower their academics. The discipline that they learn during this process is use in many areas of their life beyond the educational formative years. A student has to be discipline enough to understand that the extracurricular activity can be considered a distraction and not a priority. The lesson of priority is very important in this argument because
The behaviors that I learned to be considered important for an ethical learner are that different students will view things differently then you and depending on that type of person will depend on the outcome of a situation. I feel that in any case any student should always follow their student code of conduct and academic integrity so as to not cause problems
Self Management The students should be made aware of what their responsibilities are and exactly what is expected of them. When students are confronted with precise responses and required behaviors, it allows them to build a framework or foundation for everything they will encounter for that particular year. They are given tools to govern their work, their play, their interactions with other students, their teachers and staff. They know who they are, where they belong, what role they play, and have an understanding of their individual importance in the bigger picture of school, home and life. This knowledge provides immense security and a sense of well-being.
(Include specific information pertaining to FBA.) Schools will always be filled with students who have needs. According to IDEA we must provide appropriate education to meet the needs of all students. These students come to us with leaning, behavioral, social emotional issues- some might be at risk and in need of strategies and supports. There would be far fewer discipline problems and behaviors requiring corrections and discipline if the student’s basic needs are being met within the classroom.
The last essential right a teacher has in the classroom is to receive help and cooperation from parents and administrators when it is needed. To parallel Teacher rights the Students also have essential rights under the assertive discipline model. Students have the right to have teachers who help limit inappropriate, self-destructive behavior, and the right to know and choose how to behave knowing of the consequences of their behavior will automatically bring. In a classroom that follows the assertive discipline model the fore mentions rights are carried out and applied by three major strategy components used by the teacher; rules, positive recognition, and consequences. According to this model students need limits that will guarantee their and other students’ rights.
There are exams to study for, deadlines to meet, and expectations to live up to. The lack of planning and organization often causes stress, but when being able to follow a workout plan, you are then capable of setting and achieving goals which can be applied to other situations. This helps students find the importance of time management and dedication. On the other hand, responsibility, defined as one’s “ability to take ownership of their actions and understand the consequences of those actions for oneself and others,” is the reason why students can keep up with their health and schoolwork (123). After understanding
Okay, perhaps this creativity thing isn’t such a “radically” new approach to teaching or engaging our students, and it probably won’t “revolutionize” the way most of us approach our classrooms. It is, however, an approach that I fear is too often avoided or minimized in many traditional classroom settings. One fact, though, simply cannot be overstated. Today’s classrooms are some of the most diverse and challenging learning environments that higher education has known. Greater numbers of students are entering college than ever before, bringing with them an array of learning styles and backgrounds that may or may not respond well to the traditional lecture on which many of us cut our academic teeth.