College Life: How to Adjust Your Environment

624 Words3 Pages
Introduction What do you expect in college life? Is it fun, enjoyable, boring or hard? Some may think college is fun but also it is hard. “College life is the hardest part which you may encounter.” It is a quote where my former elementary teacher in English said to us. And I found it right when I enter the tertiary level. First year college students formulate expectations about college life long before they leave home. Some young adults look forward to college, eager to experience more freedom and adventure. Others may be enthusiastic initially but then discover that the experience falls short of their expectations when they don’t feel happy, comfortable, or secure in their new environment. Still others know that leaving home will be difficult and therefore dread the thought of leaving for college. No matter what his or her expectations, nearly every student encounters obstacles he or she didn’t anticipate during the transition to college. Even positive life changes produce stress, and certainly the changes leaving home demands can lead to feelings of sadness, loneliness and worry. These feelings are typical and part of the developmental transition to college. Body When students are still in high school, college looms in the distance like an ominous cloud. Frankly, all of the students are scared about going to college. When students go to college they feel like going to the great unknown – to go to a place where they don’t know anyone. But after all college is not that bad. First of all, the adjustment to college isn't that rough. The staff and students are trained to make the adjustment as easy as possible, and the other students they meet are just as nervous as they are. Their new fellow classmates are just as anxious as you to meet people, so as long as you make the effort, you'll be surprised as to how many people you meet. Meeting people will not be that

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