College Drop Outs

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College Drop-Outs What causes students in college to drop out and what type of effects do these causes have on them? There are many causes for students to drop out of college. I managed to narrow them down to three. Students drop out of college because of these three causes: tardiness, poor test grades, and desire to work. These causes also have effects which will pinpoint the reasons for them and the good and bad sides. One reason why students drop out is that they go to class late or they do not go at all. Coming to class late plays a major role in dropping out. If students came to class late every day, they would not even attempt to go to that class anymore. Students know that some instructors use attendance as a major part of their grade. When students come to class late, they miss vital information that they might/will need for a test or an assignment. Once you miss something important, it is gone and it is not coming back. Not getting up in the morning on time causes students to be late to class. He or she is to be less productive in going to class since their so tired. Students must want and strive to get up and go to class on time. No one is going to force them to do anything while they are in college. Arriving to class late plays a role in not passing that class. Another cause for students to drop out is because of their poor test grades. Test grades are needed to pass every class in college. Most teachers use test grades to cover more than 50% of a student’s total grade. It is unlikely for students to pass if they are failing every test, especially the final exam. Students have to be alert and willing to study for the test. Most students would rather go out to hang with friends than go to their dorm and study. Students know if they are failing each test or passing them. Once a student knows that they are failing they choose to drop out. They begin
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