Cognitive Counselling Approach

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How counseling can be used to intervene in school situation: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 1.0 Introduction Counselors are just beginning to piece together strategies proven to be successful in bully prevention. It is a long road and one which society has only begun to travel. In the past, bullying wasn't seen as a big problem. Bullying is now considered a widespread social problem. Sadly the menace is happening also in school set up .This papers discusses how peer counseling education can be used to intervene to curb in a school set-up 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Definitions Character education is teaching children about basic human values, including honesty, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, equality, and respect. The goal is to raise children to become morally responsible, se lf-disciplined citizens (Lockwood,1993). Character education is the deliberate effort to develop good character based on core virtues that are good for the individual and good for society(Turiel,1993) Character education is any deliberate approach by which school personnel, often in conjunction with parents and community members help children and youth become caring, principled, and responsible (Bahm,1993). Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. It can include verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. The "imbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target" . Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be
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