Cognitive And Emotional Development Of Adolescent

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Cognitive and Emotional Development of Adolescent Teen Any discussion of adolescent development should include the definition of adolescence itself. Determining the exact onset and conclusion of adolescent development can be difficult, as it comes along with complex biologic, psychological, and social aspects all playing roles. Adolescents have their own unique set of challenges, and this developmental period can be a tumultuous time, even when it is unfolding in a healthy manner. It is the period where individuals begin to develop not only emotionally, but cognitively as well. They develop a sense of reasoning and logical thinking, while they start on a journey in search of an identity within their surroundings. The emotional development of adolescents seems even more complex in a world that is continuously changing and becoming more challenging. With new ways of communicating and the ability to remain in close touch with parents, or to become distant from them, adolescents make a challenge to themselves and to those who care about them. The most important task of adolescence is for each teen to answer the question "who am I?" They don't go around literally asking that question, but their behavior indicates that they are trying to sort it all out. They need to decide which family values they are going reject or integrate into their own set of beliefs. They are trying to figure out where they fit in the world. Along with learning to know themselves, adolescents learn to become more independent. This is where cognition comes into play. In the process of becoming independent, they begin to think logically and exercise mental processes such as thinking and problem solving. This process influences the individual’s transformation from childhood, when their parents controlled most of their behavior, to adulthood, where they will be responsible for themselves.
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