Code of Conduct of a Teacher

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Code Of Conduct For Teachers Teachers must: · Service to the public · Responsiveness to the government and the needs to the public · Accountability · Fairness and integrity · Efficiency and Effectiveness Service to the public – Teachers do this by: e.g. acting in a manner which promotes confidence in the integrity of the public service and the profession. 1.1 Obligations 1.1.1 Respect the dignity, rights and opinions of others, Teachers respect the dignity, rights and opinions of others by e.g. : respecting cultural, ethnic and religious differences 1.1.2 Demonstrate high standards of professional practice Teachers demonstrate a high standard in teaching and learning by: e.g. working to achieve high level outcomes for all students. 1.1.3 Protect students from harm, Teachers protect students from harm by: e.g. supporting students who have been harmed 1.1.4 Development and maintain constructive professional relationships with parents and carers Teachers develop and maintain constructive professional relationships with Parents and carers by: e.g. reporting on student progress and learning options. 1.1.5 Exercise leadership in their role as supervisor Teachers exercise leadership in their role as supervisors by: e.g. acknowledging the work of staff 1.1.6 Discourage any form of discrimination or harassment in the workplace Teachers act to help remove discrimination and harassment in the workplace By: e.g. promoting an environment that is accepting of and tolerant of diversity, And is free from intimidation, threat, humiliation and harassment Responsiveness to the government and the needs to the public Teachers are responsive to the government and the needs of the public by: E.g. respecting the rule of law and our system of democracy by upholding: - Commonwealth and Territory laws and regulations - Government and departmental policies -
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