Cockfight Summary

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American anthropologist Clifford Geertz argues in Deep play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight that the society, like our lives, includes the depiction and explanation of itself by describing Balinese cockfight. Balinese are crazy about cockfighting and always bet on the cockfight. One type of the two bets, center bet, shows the culture of Bali. Geertz define it as “deep play”. However, Geertz discusses that the bets of deep play are usually very high, hence Balinese will feel painful but not pleasure. Geertz does not mean money has never mattered for Balinese. He offer an opinion that Balinese bet for pride and status. It is a status gambling. Balinese transfer status hierarchy to themselves since cocks in cockfights can be expression of Balinese who take part in cockfights. Also, Geertz gives an account that cockfight is a dramatization of status concerns. That rules of cockfight to some extent manifests the Balinese society orderliness. Balinese always put bets on their own group and as a result, rivalries and hostilities are activated. Yet, Geertz believes no one’s status changes because of cockfights. He considers cockfight is a tool to help Balinese express their passions and creates “disquietfulness” which is from “conjunction of dramatic shape, metaphoric content and social context”. Then he notes that Balinese feel disquietful because cockfight shows status and prestige, and hierarchy of pride is the base of Balinese society. So Balinese understand themselves through cockfights. Finally, Geertz claims that societies have their own meanings and we should learn to access to
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