Clinical Case Study - Patient with Copd

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Clinical Case Study | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Introduction | This paper will cover the diagnosis and treatment of a 73 year old female that was admitted to hospital presenting with increasing dyspnoea and persistent cold like symptoms. She reported that breathlessness and coughing episodes had become particularly severe over the last 36 hours, and was now at the point where she could no longer stand or walk for more than 1-2 minutes without becoming fatigued. Using information from the family and personal history of the patient, along with diagnostic tests and observations, the patient was diagnosed and treated appropriately for an exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Hope, 1998). Background and History | The patient is a 60 pack-year smoker for more than 25 years which is the equivalent of 3 packets per day since her early 40's. She still currently smokes but has reduced the number of cigarettes she smokes per day. Has had previous history of respiratory problems and previous drug therapies, and has a history of poor peak expiratory flow management. Physical examination upon admission | Respiratory rate- 25 breaths per minute Heart Rate- 101 bpm SPO2- 81-83% Temperature - 37.5 oC Blood Pressure - 115/86 mmHg Arterial Blood Gasses PaO2 - 5.8 kPa (decreased) HCO3 - 23mmol/L (low) PaCO2 - 4.9 kPa (normal) Base Excess - 1.2mmol/L (low showing acidosis) PH - 7.4 (normal) SaO2 - 80% (low) Lungs have basal crepes and bilateral wheezing is present. Accessory muscles are being used and patient is in the tripod position, peripheral cyanosis is present, with flushed cheeks and pursing of the lips, more commonly known as pink puffer (Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liason Commitee, 2013) Repeat Physical Examination | Respiratory Rate -

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